5 Best Hacks for Maintaining Your Rock Teeth for Trencher.

5 Best Hacks for Maintaining Your Rock Teeth for Trencher

Rock trench teeth are designed to withstand any demanding condition but what is most critical is the condition of these cutter tools or teeth. Many trencher users mostly overlook rock teeth maintenance since they believe they are strong enough for any damage. But they tend to forget that maintenance ensures longevity.

Here, we have listed some tips to help you maintain your rock teeth for trencher.

Use as advised

Every rock teeth for trencher have application specifications. You should read and understand and adhere to the letter to this specification to maximize the use of your rocky tooth. Avoid exceeding performance specifications. If you want to get the most out of your trencher, ensure the teeth are used in the best way possible as advised, this will also help you maintain the longevity of these teeth, thus reducing high replacement and maintenance costs.

Keep them clean

Regular cleaning should be enhanced to free them from dust particles, rocks, and other large debris attached to the teeth. And it’s by keeping the teeth clean will help you identify any worn-out parts that dirt may have blocked. For a trencher to run at maximum capacity, you must ensure that the teeth are clean.

Keep them lubricated

Many machine parts rely on lubricants for better functioning. Lubricants help reduce friction between moving teeth which, in turn, decreases the rate of wear and tear.  While lubricating these rock teeth for trencher, you should make sure you are using the proper lubricant as prescribed in the operator’s manual; also, make sure you use the right amount of lubricant.

Always check for damages

It’s essential to keep checking your rock teeth’ condition regularly.  And if possible, it’s advisable that you check the teeth before and after trenching. It’s a straightforward maintenance tip, and By doing so, this will help you identify any teeth faults before they get worse. Regular machine check-ups will help prevent unplanned downtime.

When damaged, replace it immediately

If any damage is detected, replacement should be done immediately to the damaged teeth. An expert should do teeth replacement to avoid the risk of damaging other machine parts. If replacement is not done immediately, other teeth will be overloaded, causing an increased rate of wear and tear.